Data Collection Reverse Engineering
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Helen Limehouse
2012-06-07 14:14:04 UTC

I am in the process of reverse engineering the data collection functionality (this is where I found out I could do this reverse engineering of this process: http://blogs.office.com/b/microsoft-access/archive/2009/02/09/automate-data-collection-forms-using-vba.aspx) in access 2010, and am running into an issue when creating the html email. I have a vba module which does the following:

1. Creates a entry in the AccessDCActionFile.xml file, which is what links the html email created later with the access tables to update.

2. Creates a record in the MsysDataCollection table in access, which also creates a unique GUID. This GUID links this table with the record in the file above and also the html email created later and sent to outlook.

This is the proc:
Private Sub AddRecordToXMLFile()

Dim strFirstQuery, strSecondQuery, strThirdQuery As String
Dim strPath, strPath1, strPath2 As String
Dim strData, strResult As String
Dim strtmp, strfulltmp As String

'strPath = "c:\clientmatters\AccessDCActionFile.xml" 'Header Information file
'strResult = "c:\clientmatters\AccessDCActionFile_Updated.xml" 'Result of the three merged files
FileCopy "c:\users\lime1399\appdata\roaming\microsoft\access\AccessDCActionFile.xml", "c:\users\lime1399\appdata\roaming\microsoft\access\AccessDCActionFile_Input.xml"

strPath = "c:\users\lime1399\appdata\roaming\microsoft\access\AccessDCActionFile_Input.xml" 'Header Information file
strResult = "c:\users\lime1399\appdata\roaming\microsoft\access\AccessDCActionFile.xml" 'Result of the three merged files

Open strPath For Input As #1 'Open Header
Open strResult For Output As #4 'Open Results File

Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rstAdd As DAO.Recordset
Dim rstFormID As DAO.Recordset
Dim rstDataCollection As DAO.Recordset
Dim rstDataCollectionCopyFrom As DAO.Recordset
Dim newGUID As String
Dim Mapping As String
Dim OutlookFolder As String
Dim FormID As String

Set db = CurrentDb
Set rstAdd = db.OpenRecordset("Table3_Keep")
Set rstFormID = db.OpenRecordset("FormID")
Set rstDataCollection = db.OpenRecordset("MsysDataCollection")
Set rstDataCollectionCopyFrom = db.OpenRecordset("Select Mapping, OutlookFolder, CreatedDate from MSysDataCollection order by CreatedDate desc")

Mapping = rstDataCollectionCopyFrom![Mapping].Value
OutlookFolder = rstDataCollectionCopyFrom![OutlookFolder].Value
Set rstDataCollectionCopyFrom = Nothing


newGUID = Mid(rstAdd![ID].Value, 6, 39)
'Set rstAdd = Nothing

DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.OpenQuery "QryUpdateFormID"

FormID = rstFormID![FormID].Value
Set rstFormID = Nothing

rstDataCollection("Active") = -1
rstDataCollection("BasedOnType") = 1
rstDataCollection("CreatedDate") = Now()
rstDataCollection("ExternalID") = rstAdd![ID].Value
rstDataCollection("FormName") = "Client Matters Update Form"
rstDataCollection("InfoPathForm") = 0
rstDataCollection("Mapping") = Mapping
rstDataCollection("OutlookFolder") = OutlookFolder
rstDataCollection("SentDate") = Now()

Set rstAdd = Nothing

Set rstDataCollection = Nothing

Do While Not EOF(1)
Line Input #1, tmp

fulltmp = Mid(tmp, 1, InStr(tmp, "</mdb") - 1) & FormID & "</mdbMap><sendingGuids/><lastShutdown>41022.64263455113</lastShutdown></ActionConfigFile>"


Print #4, fulltmp 'Make Merged Results File

Close #4 'Close Files

Close #1

Kill "c:\users\lime1399\appdata\roaming\microsoft\access\AccessDCActionFile_Input.xml"


End Sub
-------- End of Proc

I then create the html email which contains the fields and is formatted as close to the email which access generates for this purpose (if you were to look under the hood at the email that access creates during the data collection process).

I think here is where my issue resides, as this proc is indeed creating the email, but when the email gets to outlook, it does not contain something I need, as it does not show this when you mouse over the email (which an email created by the data collection process does):
AccessDataCollection:{F2bfo...GUID here..}.

Can you please look at my email proc below and let me know what I am missing?
Private Sub CreateEmail()

Dim strFirstQuery, strSecondQuery, strThirdQuery As String
Dim strPath, strPath1, strPath2 As String
Dim strData, strResult As String
Dim strtmp, strfulltmp, strfulltmpTop, strfulltmpBottom As String
Dim ODAttorney As String

Dim MyOutlook As Outlook.Application
Set MyOutlook = New Outlook.Application

Dim MyMail As Outlook.MailItem
Set MyMail = MyOutlook.CreateItem(olMailItem)

Dim Subjectline As String
Dim BodyFile As String

Subjectline$ = InputBox$("Please enter the subject line for this mailing.", _
"We Need A Subject Line!")

Set MyOutlook = New Outlook.Application

strPath = "c:\clientmatters\Email_HTML.html" 'Email

Open strPath For Output As #1 'Open Email File

Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rstEmailInserts As DAO.Recordset
Dim rstEmailTo As DAO.Recordset

Set db = CurrentDb
Set rstEmailInserts = db.OpenRecordset("TableEmailInsert")
strfulltmpTop = rstEmailInserts![Section1].Value
strfulltmpBottom = rstEmailInserts![Section21].Value

Set rstEmailTo = db.OpenRecordset("Select * from EmailToTable Order by ODAttorneyEmail")
ODAttorney = rstEmailTo![ODAttorneyEmail].Value

strfulltmp = strfulltmpTop

Do While Not rstEmailTo.EOF

strfulltmp = strfulltmpTop
Do While ODAttorney = rstEmailTo![ODAttorneyEmail].Value And Not rstEmailTo.EOF

If Not rstEmailTo.EOF Then
ODAttorney = rstEmailTo![ODAttorneyEmail].Value
Exit Do
End If

strfulltmp = strfulltmp & rstEmailInserts![Section2a].Value & rstEmailTo![Client/Matter#].Value
strfulltmp = strfulltmp & rstEmailInserts![Section2b].Value & rstEmailTo![Client/Matter#].Value
strfulltmp = strfulltmp & rstEmailInserts![Section2c].Value & rstEmailTo![Client/Matter#].Value
'strfulltmp = strfulltmp & rstEmailInserts![Section2].Value & rstEmailTo![Client/Matter#].Value
strfulltmp = strfulltmp & rstEmailInserts![Section3].Value & rstEmailTo![CaseName].Value
strfulltmp = strfulltmp & rstEmailInserts![Section4].Value & rstEmailTo![CaseType].Value
strfulltmp = strfulltmp & rstEmailInserts![Section5].Value & rstEmailTo![LocationofMatter].Value
strfulltmp = strfulltmp & rstEmailInserts![Section6].Value & rstEmailTo![Court/Venue].Value
strfulltmp = strfulltmp & rstEmailInserts![Section7].Value & rstEmailTo![CaseDescription].Value
strfulltmp = strfulltmp & rstEmailInserts![Section8].Value & rstEmailTo![FileDate].Value
strfulltmp = strfulltmp & rstEmailInserts![Section9].Value & rstEmailTo![CutoffDate].Value
strfulltmp = strfulltmp & rstEmailInserts![Section10].Value & rstEmailTo![Mediation/Trial Date].Value
strfulltmp = strfulltmp & rstEmailInserts![Section11].Value & rstEmailTo![Tyco Attorney].Value
strfulltmp = strfulltmp & rstEmailInserts![Section12].Value & rstEmailTo![Tyco HR Rep].Value
strfulltmp = strfulltmp & rstEmailInserts![Section13].Value & rstEmailTo![Estimated Budget].Value
strfulltmp = strfulltmp & rstEmailInserts![Section14].Value & rstEmailTo![CaseStatus].Value
strfulltmp = strfulltmp & rstEmailInserts![Section15].Value & rstEmailTo![SummaryofCurrentStatus].Value
strfulltmp = strfulltmp & rstEmailInserts![Section16].Value & rstEmailTo![FullDateofResolution].Value
strfulltmp = strfulltmp & rstEmailInserts![Section17].Value & rstEmailTo![CaseOutcome].Value
strfulltmp = strfulltmp & rstEmailInserts![Section18].Value & rstEmailTo![Settlement/Award].Value
strfulltmp = strfulltmp & rstEmailInserts![Section19].Value & rstEmailTo![DescriptionofCaseOutcome].Value
strfulltmp = strfulltmp & rstEmailInserts![Section20].Value

If rstEmailTo.EOF Then
Exit Do
End If


strfulltmp = strfulltmp & rstEmailInserts![Section21].Value

Print #1, strfulltmp

MyMail.To = ODAttorney
MyMail.Subject = Subjectline$
MyMail.HTMLBody = strfulltmp


Set MyOutlook = Nothing

Close #1 'Close Files

Close #1
Set rstEmailInserts = Nothing
Set rstEmailTo = Nothing

End Sub

Any help would be most appreciated :).

Thank you,
Helen Limehouse
Helen Limehouse
2012-06-07 18:50:11 UTC
Hello All - I have resolved this issue myself, and the fix was to add the AccessDataCollection:GUID into the subject line of the email, after several </br> between the actual subject and this tag.

It is now working as I expected.

Anyone is welcome to the code if you would also like to reverse engineer the Data Collection process.

2015-04-20 01:37:33 UTC
Post by Helen Limehouse
Hello All - I have resolved this issue myself, and the fix was to add the AccessDataCollection:GUID into the subject line of the email, after several </br> between the actual subject and this tag.
It is now working as I expected.
Anyone is welcome to the code if you would also like to reverse engineer the Data Collection process.
Hi Helen,

Could I use this code in access 2013, as a substitute for data collection forms which Access 2013 no longer supports?

2020-06-12 23:46:52 UTC
Hi Helen,
I am new to Access VBA, I want to accomplish the same to my db and I really needed, would you mind post your db or if you could send me an empty Access file to: ***@gmail.com.

Thanks in advance!
2020-06-12 23:51:15 UTC
Hi Helen,
I am new to Access VBA, I want to accomplish the same to my db and I really needed, would you mind post your db or if you could send me an empty Access file to: ***@gmail.com.

Thanks in advance!
AaronKempf.com | CareerDBA.com | FullStackWP.com
2021-01-11 10:28:38 UTC
I don't that that you can write to the system tables. More importantly, I don't think that you SHOULD write to system tables. move to SQL Server.
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